Saturday 26 April 2008

Wesley Snipes = Bad Man

So everyone's favorite faded action star is now a jailbird!
Yes, Wesley Snipes was recently convicted of three misdemeanors and sentenced to a rather harsh three years imprisonment. (You know that things are particularly grim when even character references by morally upright friends including Denzel Washington and Woody Harrelson can't even save you.)
Snipes had also been charged with a more serious charge of tax evasion, but those five counts were dropped and the three misdemeanors remained. Which, at the end of the day still results in three years for 'petty crimes'. Harsh!
Still, there is a certain part of me that wonders whether the judge gave him the prison time as a result of his recent movies.
There was of course his memorable turn as Lucky in 'Hard Luck'. (ha,ha... geddit?) Didn't see that one? Oh well, then there was also his moving turn as hitman turned target in 'The Contractor'...
I guess what i'm trying to say is, I feel sorry for Snipes. After all he provided us with some memorable turns in 'New Jack City', 'Demolition Man' and even the rather pointless 'US Marshals'. The man deserves better than a three year prison sentence and part of me wonders whether he was a suitable star to be made an example of, owing to his straight to video schlock. (Let's face it, Tom Cruise would never be jailed for a similar offense because his films are just too profitable.) And although he is probably only going to serve a short time of his sentence, a part of me will miss his crummy films with only Van Damme and Seagal left to fill the void.
Godspeed Wesley Snipes. Hope that you get out soon!